Raising Bilinguals emerged from a profound desire to positively impact the support landscape for families of deaf and hard of hearing children.


In 2011, I began my career as a Teacher of the Deaf. Then, 10 years later I gave birth to a deaf baby.


And he has been the most beautiful and unexpected plot twist we could have ever asked for.

His name is Frank (that's him on the right!) and we have chosen to raise him and his big brother Billy, bilingually - using both Auslan and English within the home.

As an educator in the field, an ally to the Deaf Community and an advocate for families on this journey - I believe in every deaf and hard of hearing child having the right to rich and accessible language from birth so that they can truly thrive and reach their full potential.

And it is that core philosophy - as well as experiencing first hand the lack of support & information out there for parents - that led me to start my own initiative Raising Bilinguals.

Combining my 15 years in the Deaf Education field with my personal lived experience of raising my own deaf child -I aim to empower, build confidence in and support as many families on the same journey as I can, so we can finally shift the narrative for our brilliant deaf and hard of hearing children.

I want to help parents take back control of this journey with their deaf child and become the expert they always knew they could be!

Let's get cracking.

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